My mom (far left), Dorothy, her brother, Jim, his wife, Jeannette, (second from right) and my mom's aunt, Pat (far right)

My uncle and aunt when they came in for one day to visit us. They live in Dallas, Texas. We had a very nice time with them.

Mommy and her little brother, Jim. Cool thing. They went to school with a lady here at the church. I actually am very good friends with her daughter and graduated with her son. Small world huh?

They brought Gabey a present. He loved it. It was........you will never guess.........a car. heehee His second most favorite thing behind trains. They also bought him a cool airplane. We had fun playing with it. His car and airplane had races in the hotel. Of course, the car always won (even if the airplane did) cause he was making the car go. lol

Gabey gave my aunt and uncle one of his Thomas trains as a present. What a sweet boy. They ended up giving it back cause Thomas missed Gabey.

Uncle Jim spending some time with Andrew (my brother's son).

My brother and sister compare their cameras.